Here’s Something You Should Know About Hearing Loss

Woman not letting hearing loss and use of hearing aids stop her from feeling young and playing with her grandkids.

As you got older, you probably started to connect hearing loss with getting old. Older adults around you were probably wearing hearing aids or struggling to hear.

But just like 30 or 60 only seemed old to you until it fast approached, as you learn more about hearing loss, you realize that it has less to do with the aging process and much more to do with something else.

You need to understand this one thing: It doesn’t make you old just because you admit you have hearing loss.

Hearing Loss is an Ailment That Can Happen at Any Age

In 13% of cases, audiologists can already see hearing loss by the age of 12. Needless to say, you aren’t “old” when you’re 12. Teen hearing loss has increased 33% in the past 30 years.

What’s the cause of this?

2% of 45 – 55-year-olds and 8% of 55 – 64 year-olds already suffer from debilitating hearing loss.

Aging isn’t the issue. What you probably consider an age-related hearing loss is 100% avoidable. And limiting its development is well within your power.

Noise exposure is the typical cause of age related or “sensorineural” hearing loss.

Hearing loss was, for many years, thought to be an inevitable part of aging. But today, science knows more about how to safeguard your hearing and even repair it.

How Hearing Loss is Caused by Noise

Recognizing how noise causes hearing loss is step one in protecting hearing.

Sound is composed of waves. These waves go into your ear canal. They reach your inner ear after going past your eardrum.

Here, small hair cells in your inner ear oscillate. The intensity and speed of these vibrations will then encode a mental signal. Your brain can convert this code into words, rushing water, a car horn, a cry or anything else you might hear.

But when the inner ear is exposed to sounds that are too loud, these hair cells oscillate too quickly. The sound shakes them to death.

When these hairs die you can no longer hear.

Why Noise-Induced Hearing Loss is Irreversible

If you cut your hand, the cut heals. But these tiny hair cells don’t grow back or heal. The more often you’re exposed to loud sounds, the more tiny hair cells die.

As they do, hearing loss progresses.

Hearing Damage Can be Caused by These every day Noises

Most people don’t realize that hearing loss can be caused by every day noises. These things may seem perfectly harmless:

  • Putting the windows or top down on a busy highway
  • Hunting
  • Riding a motorcycle/snowmobile
  • Using head phones/earbuds
  • Running farm equipment
  • Playing in a band
  • attending a concert/play/movies
  • Working in a factory or other loud profession
  • Lawn mowing
  • Turning up the car stereo

You don’t have to give up these things. Fortunately, you can take protective actions to reduce noise-induced hearing loss.

How to be Certain That You Don’t “Feel” Older When You Have Hearing Loss

If you’re already suffering from loss of hearing, admitting it doesn’t need to make you feel older. Actually, you will feel older a lot sooner if you fail to recognize your hearing loss because of complications like:

  • Anxiety
  • Increased Fall Risk
  • Dementia/Alzheimer’s
  • More frequent trips to the ER
  • Strained relationships
  • Social Isolation
  • Depression

For individuals with untreated hearing loss these are much more prevalent.

Prevent Further Hearing Injury

Start by learning how to prevent hearing loss.

  1. So that you can find out how loud things really are, download a sound meter app.
  2. Know about hazardous volumes. In under 8 hours, permanent hearing loss can be caused by volumes over 85dB. 110 dB takes about 15 minutes to trigger permanent hearing loss. Immediate hearing loss happens at 120dB or higher. 140 to 170 dB is the average level of a gunshot.
  3. Realize that you’ve already triggered permanent hearing damage every time you’ve had a difficult time hearing right after going to a concert. The more often it occurs, the worse it gets.
  4. When it’s needed, use earplugs or earmuffs.
  5. When it comes to hearing protection, follow any rules that apply to your circumstance.
  6. If you have to be exposed to loud sounds, regulate your exposure time.
  7. Steer clear of standing close to loudspeakers or cranking up speakers at home.
  8. Get earbuds/headphones that have integrated volume control. They have a 90 dB upper limit. Most people would have to listen almost continuously all day to cause irreversible damage.
  9. Even at lower levels, if you have low blood oxygen, high blood pressure, or are taking some common medication, you’re hearing may still be in danger. Always keep your headphones at 50% or less. Car speakers will vary and a volume meter app will help but when it comes to headphones, 50% or less is best policy.
  10. If you have a hearing aid, use it. Not using hearing aids when you need them results in brain atrophy. It’s similar to your leg muscles. If you stop making use of them, it will be hard to begin again.

Make an Appointment to Have a Hearing Exam

Are you procrastinating or in denial? Stop it. Be active about reducing further damage by acknowledging your circumstance.

Speak with Your Hearing Specialist About Hearing Loss Solutions

There aren’t any “natural cures” for hearing impairment. If hearing loss is severe, it may be time to get a hearing aid.

Compare The Cost of Buying Hearing Aids to The Benefits

Many individuals who do recognize their hearing loss simply choose to deal with it. They believe that hearing aids make them seem old. Or they are afraid that they won’t be able to afford them.

It’s easy to recognize, however, that when the adverse effect on relationships and health will cost more over time.

Consult a hearing care professional today about having a hearing test. And if hearing aids are advised, don’t be concerned about “feeling old”. Hearing aids today are significantly sleeker and more sophisticated than you may believe!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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